Low Pressure Water Mist Fire Suppression System

Water Mist Systems offer an alternative fire suppression solution for general applications such as hotels and commercial premises including office blocks, as well as more industrial applications such as factory machinery.

Low Pressure Mist System

Low Pressure Mist System

Water Mist Systems offer an alternative fire suppression solution for general applications such as hotels and commercial premises including office blocks, as well as more industrial applications such as factory machinery.

​Extensively tested and using the very latest technology, water mist fire suppression systems are installed in the same way as a sprinkler system.

​The difference is that in operation micron-sized water droplets are discharged over a wider surface area. By rapidly converting energy to steam the water mist starves the fire of the oxygen it needs to burn. This not only results in a much faster rate at which the water absorbs the heat but also minimises the damage caused to the surroundings.

Low Pressure Water Mist Fire Suppression Systems
Low Pressure Water Mist Fire Suppression Systems

By the NFPA 750 definition, water mist is a water spray for which 99% of the total volume of liquid (Dv0.99) is distributed in droplets with a diameter smaller than 1000 microns at the minimum design operating pressure of the water mist nozzle.

Following the CEN/TS 14972 definition, water mist is a water spray for which 90% of the total volume of liquid (Dv0.90) is distributed in droplets with a diameter smaller than 1000 microns at the minimum design operating pressure of the water mist nozzle.

FST represents the water mist system from Fire-Kill, one of the global leaders in this technology.

Low Pressure Mist System

Advantages of a low-pressure water mist include:

Low Pressure Mist System


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